Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Frenzied Anus

"We use the web to confirm our own partisan views and link to others with the same ideologies. Bloggers today are forming aggregated communities of like-minded amateur journalists...where they congregate in self-congratulatory clusters. They are the digital equivalent of online gated communities where all the people have identical views and the whole conversation is mirrored in a way that is reassuringly familiar. It's a dangerous form of digital narcissism; the only conversations we want to hear are those with ourselves and those like us."

Andrew Keen, The Cult of the Amateur.


  1. Exactly! Down with the gated communiites!

  2. I third that! The wankers. Enemies of the state. Damn them all. A hex on them.

  3. AngryProudHairySunday, 19 April, 2009

    You're so right Lauren. Thank goodness for voices like you. I too am angry.

  4. I disagree. Do you hate me?

  5. You know Sandrine, you rock. It all makes sense reading your post. Keep it up sister!
